Africa safari tours & Holiday | HT Agency Tours

Africa safari tours

HT Agency Tours is a professional tours company that willing to lead you and make you discover the entier Africa Continent with Luxury services across the best and unforgetable destinations for your holiday “Africa safari tours”: Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, …


Is the world’s second-largest and second-most populous continent after Asia. Attractive in term of tourism, safari and tours. The continent is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Isthmus of Suez and the Red Sea to the northeast, the Indian Ocean to the southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. The continent includes Madagascar and various archipelagos.

Rich Continent

Africa is rich in biodiversity; it is the continent with the greatest number of megafauna species, as it was least affected by the Pleistocene megafauna extinction. However, this huge continent is also heavily affected by a wide range of environmental problems, including desertification, deforestation, water scarcity and pollution. Africa safari tours; These entrenched environmental concerns are expected to worsen as climate change impacts Africa. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has identified Africa as the continent most vulnerable to climate change.


Africa safari tours Tanzania

Tourism in Tanzania is an important sector of the country’s economy. Tanzania has many tourist attractions, first and foremost its great biodiversity, including rich and varied flora and fauna. About 38% of Tanzania’s land area is set aside as protected areas for conservation. Africa safari tours tanzania; There are 21 protected areas2, 29 game reserves, 40 conservation areas (including Ngorongoro) and marine parks. Tanzania is also home to Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa.

Tourism in Tanzania (Africa safari tours tanzania)

Travel and tourism accounted for 17.5% of Tanzania’s gross domestic product in 20164 and employed 11% of the country’s workforce (1,189,300 jobs) in 20135. The sector is growing rapidly, from $1.74 billion in revenue in 2004 to $4.48 billion in 20135. In 2021, 1,378,000 tourists cross Tanzania’s borders compared to 754,000 in 2005. Africa safari tours tanzania; In 2019, Tanzania’s tourism sector generated $2.6 billion in revenue with 1.5 million tourist arrivals.

Africa safari tours

Situation in 2020

Due to Covid-19, the number of international tourist arrivals fell below 617,0007. Africa safari tours tanzania; In October 2021, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism of Tanzania secured a loan of 90 billion Tanzanian shillings from the IMF for the 2021-2022 financial year. This loan is part of the IMF’s overall emergency assistance intended to support Tanzania in its response to the Covid-19 pandemic and in the restart of its economy.

Africa safari tours tanzania National Park

Tanzania reserves almost 38% of its land for protected areas, one of the highest percentages in the world9. Tanzania has 15 national parks and is home to a wide variety of animals. Among the large mammals are the “Big Five”, but also wildebeest, giraffes, hippos and various species of antelope.

Tanzania’s best-known wildlife viewing spots are located in the northern part of the country and include Serengeti National Park, Tarangire National Park and Lake Manyara National Park. Serengeti National Park is famous for the great animal migrations that take place every year. Serengeti National Park is the most popular park in the country and welcomed more than 330,000 visitors in 2012.

The north of the country

Is also home to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The conservation area includes the Ngorongoro Crater, an extinct volcanic caldera, home to lions, hippos, elephants, various species of antelope, the endangered black rhino, as well as large herds of wildebeest and zebra. Africa safari tours tanzania; Olduvai Gorge, considered the cradle of humanity after the discovery of the first known specimens of the human genus Homo habilis as well as early hominids, such as Paranthropus boisei, is also within the Conservation Area.

The famous park that makes the difference in the Africa safari tours tanzania

The montains of Kilimanjaro

Also known as the Roof of Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the highest peak in Africa. The mountain, a dormant volcano, peaks at 5,895 meters above sea level. Africa safari tours tanzania; The mountain is located in the north of the country, on the border with Kenya, in the town of Moshi and is accessible via Kilimanjaro International Airport. The airport also allows tourists to access safaris in northern Tanzania. The mountain is part of Kilimanjaro National Park, which is the second most popular park in the country and around 20,000 visitors trek the mountain each year.

Africa safari tours

The most accessible high peaks in the world

The mountain is one of the most accessible high peaks in the world and has an average success rate of around 75%. However, this mountain, one of the highest in the world, presents dangers. Africa safari tours tanzania; In January 2023, a Frenchman died shortly after the ascent, victim of altitude sickness after several days of suffering. More generally, high mountain specialist doctors like Emmanuel Cauchy point out the danger resulting from the too great simplicity of the ascent, encouraging certain tourists and mountaineers to expose themselves to danger by exceeding their limits.

Zanzibar is part of the Africa safari Tours in Tanzania

Tourism in Zanzibar is one of the pillars of the economy of the archipelago, as well as of Tanzania. According to Israeli businessman Matan Pertman, three quarters of the archipelago’s income comes from tourism. Africa safari tours tanzania; The archipelago is made up of three islands: Unguja, Mafia and Pemba, accessible by boat or plane. Unguja has Zanzibar International Airport, the main gateway to this tourist region.

Unguja Island is the best known and most touristy, while Pemba and Mafia are less famous, but nevertheless have tourist attractions, which range from scuba diving to fishing and local activities. Africa safari tours tanzania; It is possible to dive with dolphins, or enjoy the white sand beaches that surround the islands.

Old Stone Town

Which has many restaurants and hotels, is also an important tourist destination. In 2019, according to figures published by the Tanzanian government, 600,000 people visited the archipelago. Africa safari tours tanzania; However, despite the development of tourism, the local population remains extremely poor.

Visa (Africa safari tours Tanzania)

Most visitors to Tanzania must obtain a visa from one of the Tanzanian diplomatic missions. However, the majority of countries can obtain a visitor visa at any land or air point of entry. Africa safari tours tanzania; Most citizens of the Southern African Development Community (also known as SADC) or the East African Community do not need a visa for tourism purposes.


3-month tourist visas are available for US$50 at all points of entry to the country, for all visitors (except US citizens who must purchase a year multiple-entry visa for US$100 ). Africa safari tours Tanzania does not fall under the East Africa Tourist Visa Program and a separate visa is required to enter Tanzania.


South Africa safari tours

The country offers domestic and international tourists a wide variety of options, including picturesque natural landscapes and nature reserves, diverse cultural heritage and renowned wines in the south Africa safari tours; Popular destinations include several national parks, such as the vast Kruger National Park in the north of the country, the coasts and beaches of KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape provinces, and major cities such as Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban.

According to the latest Statistics South Africa Tourism and Migration Survey

Almost 3.5 million travelers passed through the country’s ports of entry in August 2017. The five overseas countries with the highest number of tourists visiting South Africa are from the United States, United Kingdom and Germany. . , Netherlands and France. Most tourists arriving in South Africa from elsewhere in Africa are from SADC countries, south Africa safari tours. Zimbabwe tops the list with 31%, followed by Lesotho, Mozambique, Eswatini and Botswana. Furthermore, Nigeria is the country of origin for nearly 30% of tourists arriving in South Africa.

Attraction spots in the South Africa Safari tours

South Africa is ranked nineteenth out of twenty megadiverse countries in the world. The country is home to a wide variety of animals. Large mammals found in the northern bushveld include lions, leopards, cheetahs, white rhino, blue wildebeest, kudu, impala, hyena, hippo and giraffe. South Africa safari tours;

Expanse of bushveld

A significant expanse of bushveld develops in the northeast and includes the Kruger National Park, one of Africa’s largest game reserves, and the Sabi Sand Game Reserve. Kruger National Park, established in 1926, is one of the most visited national parks in the country, with a total of 1,659,793 visitors during the period 2014-2015. South Africa safari tours; The region is also home to almost 80% of the world’s rhino population. Due to Covid-19 restrictions hampering tourism and travel in the region, killings of different rhino species in South Africa fell by 53% in 2020.

Rich in plant diversity

The country is also particularly rich in plant diversity, with a wide variety of biomes across the country. Among these species-rich environments are the Highveld grasslands, the succulent Karoo in central South Africa and the endemic fynbos biome, which make up the majority of the area and flora of the Cape Floristic Region. South Africa safari tours; This rare vegetation is protected as part of Table Mountain National Park (which also includes the iconic flat-topped Table Mountain). It is the most visited national park in South Africa in 2014 and 2015, with a total of 2,677,767 visitors.

South Africa safari tours Ecotourism

Ecotourism is a concept of sustainable tourism, respectful of protected areas and fragile biodiversity. Its aim is to have minimal impact on local flora and fauna. It is developing ecotourism to preserve and develop the country’s biodiversity, as well as to fuel its tourism economy of south Africa safari tours; Tourism is the fourth largest generator of foreign trade in the country, and ecotourism is an idea to encourage visitors to come to the country while promoting the protection of South African biodiversity.

As the country’s biodiversity is highly developed, ecotourism is a way to benefit the country in a legal and non-predatory way for ecosystems, unlike other activities such as poaching or wildlife trafficking in the south Africa safari tours;

Visa for South Africa Safari Tours

Visitors to South Africa need a visa issued by one of the South African diplomatic missions obtained, unless they are coming from one of the visa-exempt countries, in which case they obtain a “port visa”. entry”. South Africa safari tours; Visitors who require a visa must apply in person and provide biometric data.


Africa Safari tours Namibia

Every year, more than a million travelers visit Namibia, with around one in three coming from South Africa. Next come Germany, then the United Kingdom, Italy and France. The country is one of Africa’s top destinations and is known for its development of ecotourism, which highlights Namibia’s abundant wildlife.

Africa safari tours

Main destination in Africa Safari Tours Namibia

Windhoek (Africa Safari tours Namibia)

He country’s capital and largest city, is the main entry point for people traveling into the country, usually via Hosea Kutako International Airport. South Africa safari tours; Important tourist sites in Windhoek include the Tintenpalast (seat of the National Council and National Assembly) and the Windhoek Country Club Resort.

The latter, opened in 1995, hosts the Miss Universe 1995 elections and has one of the best golf courses in the country. Windhoek also has the country’s first five-star hotel, known as the Hilton Windhoek. South Africa safari tours; It opened in 2011, becoming the 50th Hilton hotel in the Middle East or Africa.

Walvis Bay

The fourth largest city in Namibia, is home to the country’s main port, as well as the Walvis Bay Airport. Geographically, the city benefits from a unique location, as it is the meeting place of extreme landscapes. South Africa safari tours; On one side the Namib Desert, the oldest desert in the world, and on the other a huge lagoon and a port on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean.

These two landscapes lend themselves to some of Namibia’s most unusual tourism opportunities. The lagoon and harbor are home to diverse species and large numbers of marine mammals and birds. The Namib Desert, for its part, is called “the living desert” because of the large number of living species found there.

Walvis Bay (Africa Safari tours Namibia)

Is one of Namibia’s many centers of tourist activity. Activities are mainly aquatic, such as shore fishing, boat fishing, shark fishing, tourist and photographic boat cruises, sea kayaking, windsurfing and kitesurfing. with south Africa safari tours; Walvis Bay hosts each year one of the international stages of the kitespeed and windsurfing world championship.

Land activities include Sandwich Harbor tours, desert sightseeing tours, 4X4 tours to the massive dunes south of the Kuiseb River, hang gliding, sandboarding and skiing in the dunes, educational, historical and guided tours , anthropological quad tours in the Kuiseb delta, meetings with members of the Topnaar community, descendants of the Khoikhoi people and tours in the desert, south Africa safari tours;

Swakopmund (Africa Safari tours Namibia)

It is a seaside resort and an example of German colonial architecture. The city was founded in 1892 as the main port of German South West Africa. The town has several tourist attractions, including the spectacular sand dunes near Langstrand, south of the Swakop River. South Africa safari tours; The Martin Luther steam locomotive, dating from 1896 and displayed near the town, is also a point of interest.

The city is known for practicing extreme sports. The surf culture is very developed there, the city being located near the famous Skeleton Coast. The Desert Express, a trans-Namibian tourist train, runs between Windhoek and Swakopmund. And South Africa safari tours; A skydiving club operates from Swakopmund Airport, providing skydiving experience to tourists

Africa safari tours Namibia National Park

Namibia has many national parks to ensure the preservation of its biodiversity. They also serve as tourist attractions and attract many visitors each year. The oldest, but also the most visited and best known, is the Etosha National Park. the South Africa safari tours; It is home to the five species known as the Big Five, namely the lion, leopard, African elephant, black rhino and African buffalo.

Africa safari tours Uganda

Tourism contributes to the fight against poverty in Uganda, notably through the employment of Ugandan nationals as drivers, guides, secretaries, accountants, etc. Africa safari tours Uganda; Tourism can also be used to promote arts and crafts and traditional clothing. Uganda’s main tourist attractions are the national game parks, game reserves, traditional sites and natural rainforests.

Africa safari tours

Adventure tourism (Africa safari tours Uganda)

Ecotourism and cultural tourism are growing. About three-quarters of tourists to Uganda come from other African countries. Uganda’s neighbor Kenya is the country’s largest source of tourists, accounting for almost half of all arrivals into the country. Africa safari tours Uganda; The number of visitors from Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan is quite low.

Africa safari tours Uganda Attraction

Game and bird watching

Wildlife watching is the most popular tourist activity in Uganda. Wild animals like lions, buffalo, giraffes, antelopes and elephants are common in Uganda’s ten national parks. Uganda is one of ten countries where it is possible to visit gorillas, an endangered species. Africa safari tours Uganda.

Mountain gorillas (Africa safari tours Uganda)

Are Uganda’s main tourist attraction. The vast majority of these are in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, with a few others in Mgahinga National Park, both in southwest Uganda8. In Bwindi, visitors have been allowed to view mountain gorillas since April 1993. Africa safari tours Uganda; The development of gorilla tourism and the habituation of gorillas to humans is proceeding with great caution due to dangers to gorillas, such as contraction of human diseases.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Additionally, Queen Elizabeth National Park is home to tree-climbing lions. Lions do not normally climb trees unless chased by another group of lions or wild buffalo. Africa safari tours Uganda; However, tree-climbing lions found in QE-NP intentionally climb trees and rest there in the afternoon, when the sun is high. This is a unique phenomenon.


Africa Safari tours

Water activities in the Africa safari tours Uganda

With its prime location in the African Great Lakes region, Uganda has a variety of water bodies that are popular tourist destinations. Africa safari tours Uganda; Rafting and kayaking are popular activities on the Nile rapids near Jinja. Sport fishing is another tourist activity. Fish like Nile perch and tilapia can be caught in designated areas of Lake Mburo and on the banks of the Nile. Lake Bunyonyi also offers opportunities for canoeing.

Hiking and climbing Activities (Africa safari tours Uganda)

Uganda offers many opportunities for climbing, hiking and trekking. Africa safari tours Uganda; The Rwenzori Mountains, located on the border with the DRC, include Margherita Peak (5,109 m), the highest mountain range in Africa and also one of the highest peaks. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park also includes three peaks, Mount Gahinga, Mount Sabyinyo and Mount Muhavura, the highest peak in the national park. Finally, Mount Elgon, located in eastern Uganda, is ideal for hiking and climbing, and also has one of the largest calderas in the world.

Africa safari tours Morocco

Morocco is one of the most visited countries in Africa, part of the top three with South Africa and Egypt, ranking 29th in the world, and aims to move to 20th place by 2020. Africa safari tours Morocco; The number of tourist arrivals in the Kingdom of Morocco has increased. . from 4.4 million in 2001 to 9.3 million in 2010 then 14 million in 2019 with growth in tourism revenue going from 31 billion dirhams to nearly 90 billion dirhams at the end of the last decade on the eve of spring Arab.

Africa Safari tours

The progression of the tourism sector in Morocco

It was accompanied by a strategic plan called Vision 2010 with a target of 10 million tourists by 2010, a plan launched on January 10, 2001 in Marrakech. Africa safari tours Morocco; While Vision 2010 ends with a palpable success consisting of the achievement of 93% of the objectives, Morocco launched on November 30, 20102 a new program called Vision 2020 aimed at reaching 20 million tourists by 2020. The economic crisis in the main source markets.


This is also explained by the fact that the post-Arab Spring instabilities have strongly affected Moroccan tourism, which has stagnated since 2010. In 2011, the number of tourist arrivals in Morocco suffered a drop of 0, 2% totaling 10.177 million compared to 10.282 million in 2014. Africa safari tours Morocco; In order to respond to the decline of tourism in its traditional markets, Morocco is preparing to develop in the emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, Eastern Europe and Asia, with this same objective the opening of 57 new airlines has been announced. quickly reach 1.5 million tourists from these new countries, growing markets

The most visited place in the Africa Safari tours Morocco

Perfect for Africa safari tours Morocco; The most visited places are Marrakech, Agadir, Casablanca, Fez, Tangier, Meknes, Essaouira, El Jadida, Rabat, Ouarzazate, Tétouan, Taroudant, Zagora, Merzouga, the Todra valley, the Dadès gorges, the Drâa gorges, the Ouzoud waterfalls. , Dakhla, Saïdia, Ifrane/Michlifen and Al Hoceïma.

Where tourists are from?

French tourism generally constitutes the first contingent of foreign tourists7. In 2013, foreign tourists were mainly8: French with 3,435,000 tourists, Spaniards with 2,115,000 tourists, Belgians with 589,000 tourists, Dutch with 554,000 tourists, British with 549,000 tourists, Germans with 547,000 tourists, Italians with 394 000 tourists, Americans with 220,000 tourists. Africa safari tours Morocco; Moroccan tourists living abroad recorded 4,723,000 arrivals.

The city that attracts French the most is Marrakech. The Iberians lean more towards the northern regions, mainly Tangier and Tetouan. Swiss and Italian tourism is oriented towards the region of Béni mellal-Khénifra, as well as towards the Atlas mountains. Africa safari tours Morocco; Americans and British are mainly attracted to Casablanca and Kenitra. Germans and Scandinavians opt for seaside resorts, notably Agadir and Essaouira.


The arrival of French tourists to Morocco recorded a decline in 2014 for a growth of only 1%10 compared to 2013, compared to a growth of more than 18% for English tourists, more than 13% for Scandinavian tourists. . . . . , by more than 8%. % of Italian tourists, more than 7% of German tourists and a drop of 5% of Benelux tourists. Africa safari tours Morocco; Since the brutal assassination by a terrorist group in Algeria of French mountaineer Hervé Gourdel, a great fan of Morocco and the Moroccan Atlas mountains, the Quai d’Orsay has published a map in which it also advises French nationals against traveling in Morocco.

Like everywhere in North Africa (Africa safari tours Morocco)

For security reasons, many French tourists have canceled their 2014 end-of-year vacations in Morocco. Africa safari tours Morocco; Even if the French authorities removed Morocco from the Quai d’Orsay blacklist a few months later, French customers remain more vigilant and travel less frequently than in the past to the whole of the Maghreb even if the new Quai card d’Orsay ‘Orsay place Orsay Morocco is the only country in green on the entire African continent.

The growth of French tourist arrivals slowed down in 2014, 2015 sectoral data are not yet published, summer 2015 Morocco is no longer one of the five favorite destinations of the French for their holidays, however Marrakech still retains its popularity, the same year the ocher city remains in the top 5 of the favorite destinations of the French in fourth place behind Barcelona, London and Rome, Africa safari tours Morocco;

The best Places most visited in the Africa Safari Tours Morocco


This is a city of more than 1,400,000 inhabitants. A place of tourism par excellence, Marrakech has managed to keep its authenticity. The city is made up of two parts: the new town and the old town. Africa safari tours Morocco; The new town is the complete opposite of the old town: new buildings, department stores, palm groves, golf courses, parks, hotels, nightclubs, swimming pools.

Africa Safari tours

The old town

With its ramparts, the medina, the Jamaa El Fna square, the famous souks, the sumptuous Majorelle garden, the Menara basins, the Ben Youssef madrasa, and the El Badi and Bahia palaces, the Saadian tombs, the valley of Ourika, but also in winter with these luxurious palaces (SPA, bars-restaurants, nightclubs) without forgetting the monumental palace La Mamounia. Africa safari tours Morocco;

The Place of Jemaa el-Fna

At the gates of the souks of Marrakech, near the Koutoubia Mosque and the royal palace, this square is one of the main traditional and historical attractions of tourism in Morocco. Africa safari tours Morocco;

The souks of Marrakech (Africa safari tours Morocco)

Marrakech is a historic center of commerce and caravan exchanges in Morocco. The souks of the medina of Marrakech are veritable labyrinths of stalls and artisan workshops, organized by district and by trade and bring together more than 3,000 Moroccan artisans for around twenty corporations. Africa safari tours Morocco; The main souk extends through the center of the medina, from the north of the famous Jemaa el-Fna square to the Ben Youssef Madrasa. The central aisles which cross the souks are reserved for sales stands initially supplied by the artisans who work in the adjacent aisles.

Médina (Africa safari tours Morocco)

The medina of Marrakech constitutes the nerve center and the historic heart of the city of Marrakech. With a total area of 600 hectares, it is one of the largest medinas in Morocco and the most populated in North Africa. Its urban specificity arises directly from the total virginity of the land on which it was erected in the 11th century. Africa safari tours Morocco; Built around a military encampment, the Qsar El Hajar, and a market, it was supplemented by a kasbah in the 12th century to protect it from repeated attacks by Berber tribes coming from the Haouz plain, thus helping to establish the hegemony.

Sustainable Almoravid

The ramparts of the old city of Marrakech have undergone significant modifications depending on the dynasties. Thus, they were repeatedly pierced with new doors (Bab in Arabic). Africa safari tours Morocco; Today, the height of the walls varies between 8 and 10 meters and they extend over a total distance of more than 19 kilometers. The medina has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1985.

Interest in riads (Africa safari tours Morocco)

These traditional Moroccan houses built around a central courtyard, transformed into riads-guest houses, has generated profound sociological transformations, particularly within the medina of Marrakech, where the price per square meter reached peaks. Africa safari tours Morocco; Thus, a large and growing number of modest households in Marrakech are pushed by speculation to leave the city. On the other hand, we observe a phenomenon of densification of housing within the medina. However, we are far from witnessing a museumification of the medina.

The mellah

to the south-east of the medina, was and still remains today to a lesser extent the Jewish quarter of Marrakech. The mellah brought together certain trades which, during the history of Marrakech, became specialties of this community (the weaver’s trade was an example of this phenomenon). Africa safari tours Morocco; It was founded in 1558 during the reign of Moulay Abdellah near the palace which allowed, as was the case in Fez for example, the sultan to better protect them.

The Agdal gardens

Adjoining the Royal Palace to the south were created in 1156 according to the official historian of the Almohad dynasty by El Haj Ya’is, the same person who was at the origin of Koutoubia. Africa safari tours Morocco; The term “aguedal” also meaning “garden” in general by the Berbers, this name of Jardins d’Aguedal only established itself as an exclusive name towards the end of the 18th century. Its existence, damaged by time, is closely linked to the management of hydraulic resources practiced there.


Thus, the capture of groundwater was ensured from the end of the 11th century by a dense network of “khettaras”, supported later by a more elaborate system of viaducts coming from Aghmat, a town located further south towards the valley of the Ourika. Africa safari tours Morocco; Finally, rainwater storage was provided by two immense reservoirs, the largest of which, named Es Sala, was used to train troops to swim across the Strait of Gibraltar.


The Gueliz district takes its name from Jbel Gueliz, a low sandstone massif located northwest of the old medina with a Berber name. This was the first district located outside the ramparts, formerly reserved for the deceased. Africa safari tours Morocco; Articulated around the current Avenue Mohammed V linking Square Foucault and Bab Nkob to Jbel Gueliz, the Gueliz district concentrates the majority of Marrakech’s banks and shops.

The post office

Located on Place du 16 Novembre, is also a building dating from the protective era, like the old Guéliz market which was recently moved to make way for the Carré Eden complex (commercial, residential and hotel). Africa safari tours Morocco; The entire Gueliz district has been classified by the wilaya.


Located southwest of the Gueliz district, the Hivernage district is home to villas and numerous hotel complexes such as Mamounia, Royal Mansour and Le Pearl. The heart of this district is Avenue Mohammed VI, formerly Avenue de France and recently extended to the south-east of the Route de l’Ourika, along the ramparts of the Agdal district. Africa safari tours Morocco; This wide green avenue is home to the Royal Theater, the Palais des Congrès, as well as the new large train station.

Mohammed VI Avenue

Newly inaugurated in May 2004, the five-kilometer section of Avenue Mohammed VI linking Avenue de la Ménara to the Route de l’Ourika is seeing the rapid development of numerous residential and hotel complexes. Africa safari tours Morocco;

It is also along Avenue Mohammed VI that Morocco’s largest nightclub, Le Pacha de Marrakech, was built. Africa safari tours Morocco; Finally, it is here that the first multiplex in Marrakech, the Mégarama, was built, succeeding the two other cinemas in Marrakech which were the Colisée in Gueliz, and the Cinema Rif, in Daoudiate as well as the new Al Mazar shopping center.

The neighborhoods outside the rampart

During the 1980s, the city of Marrakech expanded considerably towards the west along several road axes, notably the streets of El Mouqaouama, the road to Essaouira and to a lesser extent the street of Mohammedia. These are the districts of Massira 1, 2 and 3, Hay Azli and Hay Socoma. At the same time. To the northwest. Along the Targa road (also called Souihla road). Several residential neighborhoods are built.

These are the districts of Targa

Al Masmoudi, Jawhar, Hay Sofia, Inara, Borj Targa and Massira. To the southwest, along the Guemassa road, often called the Marrakech – Menara airport road, the districts of M’ Hamid, Bouekkaz, Agdal has developed. Also note the existence of important douars such as the Cherki douar and the Berrada douar. To the north, there are residential neighborhoods like Amerchich, Hay Firdaouss, Al Andalouss, Riad Salam, Cité Yasmine, Saada and la Palmeraie.

At the northern exit of Marrakech

Stands Tamansourt which is a new town located 10 km on the road to El Jadida. This city was created in 2005, under the leadership of King Mohamed VI, with the aim of relieving congestion in Marrakech. It is mainly made up of villas, apartments and riads. A large mosque was built there as well as numerous schools. Africa safari tours Morocco; A sports park, university, hotels and swimming pools are planned.

Spots and museums (Africa safari tours Morocco)

The medina: built in the 17th century to accommodate Andalusian refugees, it is today known for its mellah (former Jewish quarter), its covered souk Es-Sebat in the rue des consuls, and all kinds of various businesses;

Ibn-Sina Park: commonly called “Hilton Park” because of its proximity to the hotel of the same name, the park is also the green lung of the city with its pine and eucalyptus plantations;

The Jardin d’Essais: located in the middle of the city and divided in two by Avenue de la Victoire. Africa safari tours Morocco;

The green belt of Rabat: it is a protected forest separating Rabat from Témara.

The golf course and the palace of Dar es-Salam: 45-hole golf course which houses the prestigious Hassan-II38 international golf trophy each year;

La Villa des Arts: small establishment housing exhibitions and numerous activities for students

The Archaeological Museum.

Avenue Mohammed V is located in the very center of Rabat, along which the Parliament is located, as well as numerous cafes and shops.

The Balima hotel: one of the oldest in the city, opposite the Parliament.


A former European district, it is an important center of activity in the city, there are the main university and hospital establishments (CHU Ibn Sina and several private clinics), numerous government agencies, numerous stores for shopping including the future Rabat Shopping Center.

Africa safari tours Morocco; The new commercial and administrative center of Hay Riad (notably Annakhil Avenue and Mahaj Riad).

The Bouregreg marina.

The beaches of Harhoura in Skhirat.

The Mega Mall

shopping center housing an ice rink, a bowling alley as well as several international brands.

The Mawazine Festival which takes place every year at the end of May and the beginning of June and which lasts a week and extends throughout the city. (it attracted 2 million spectators in 2009). Africa safari tours Morocco;

The Mohamed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art: first contemporary art museum in Morocco. Open since 2014, exhibitions by big names on the international art scene such as Belkahia


Fez is the spiritual and cultural capital of Morocco. You can visit the Al Quaraouiyine University. In Arab-Andalusian style. The medina listed as a UNESCO universal heritage site Then around Fez the spa resort of Sidi Harazem.


The economic capital of the country. Casablanca is the third tourist city in Morocco. People come here mainly for business. Even if Casa does not have the same vocation as its sisters (Marrakech, Agadir). The city aims to extend the length of stay of its visitors which does not exceed two days on average. Africa safari tours Morocco; It is with this aim that the Regional Tourism Council has launched specific plans to put in place adequate infrastructure.

Essaouira Mogador

Tourism is increasingly important in Essaouira. With hotels located in traditional Moroccan riads in the old town. There are also modern hotels along the beach. Essaouira is also famous for windsurfing and kitesurfing. Thanks to the powerful winds that blow almost constantly in the bay as well as the annual organization of a stage of the Kitesurfing World Cup. Africa safari tours Morocco; The Essaouira Corniche is located just opposite the Dzira and facing the small port. A few kilometers to the south, towards the Agadir road. We can see islets and Riads, as well as the beach of Sidi Kaouki, located about 25 km from the city.

All around

Are numerous fields of argan trees. The ramparts around the city and especially next to the port bear witness to the time of the Portuguese sailors. the Sqala. We also discover, among other things. The fish and spice market, as well as a small square called the grain square which still houses a few artisan shops and cafes today. Africa safari tours Morocco. The town is known for its many trades (working cedar wood – marquetry –, leather, copper, etc.). But also for its paintings in the colors of the sea.


Tangier, an international city in its history. Is located on the Strait of Gibraltar. Between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Spanish, Arabic and French are spoken there. Africa safari tours Morocco; It is the second Moroccan economic center after Casablanca. An important seaside resort, Tangier has varied hotel and tourist infrastructures. A vast beach stretching over 7 km, and a medina (old town) where an artisanal trade is developing (leather goods, wooden and silver objects, traditional clothing and shoes).


Tangier has long served as an unofficial cultural capital. For a number of writers and artists from around the world. Drawn to its climate, landscapes and picturesqueness. Africa safari tours Morocco; Tangier has long been a welcoming land for many artists and intellectuals. Henri Matisse and before him Eugène Delacroix created famous works there. The American writer Paul Bowles called it “Dream City”.

Touristic site (Africa safari tours Morocco)

Kasbah Museum

Tangier Cinematheque

Caves of Hercules

Grand Socco

The medina and the kasbah

Sloth Wall (Faro Square)

Cafe Hafa

Marshane Palace

Rmilate Forest

Achakar Beach

Playa Blanca Beach

Cape Malabata

Cape Spartel

Cervantes Theater


Sidi Bouabid

Mohamed V Mosque

Tangier Cathedral


Ouarzazate is the starting point for lovers of hiking, on foot. In 4X4, by mountain bike or on camelback… The south of Ouarzazate conceals large desert spaces. Africa safari tours Morocco; Mountain hikes are also organized. The Kasbah of Taourirt, classified as a national monument. As well as a ksar of the same name, are located less than a km from the city center.

Africa safari tours Egypt

The tourism sector benefits in particular from the country’s rich heritage. Linked to ancient Egyptian civilization, which attracts a large proportion of visitors to the country. Africa safari tours Egypt;

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The main attraction sites (Africa safari tours Egypt)

The country’s main tourist destinations include the millennia-old monuments of the Nile Valley. Africa safari tours Egypt; The best known of these are the pyramids and the great sphinx of Giza. The temples of Abu Simbel south of Aswan, the temple complex of Karnak and the Valley of the Kings near Luxor.

The city of Cairo also has many places of tourist interest, such as the Cairo Museum and the Mohammed Ali Mosque.

The coast of the Sinai Peninsula and the shores of the Red Sea are home to popular resorts, including the city of Hurghada on the Red Sea coast and that of El Gouna, 25 kilometers from Hurghada.


20 km southwest of Cairo. It has many remains dating from the 26th century BC. BC, including temples and monuments dedicated to the pharaohs including the Great Sphinx. And the pyramids of Giza. Africa safari tours Egypt;


30 km south of Cairo, where there is a vast and ancient cemetery which served as a necropolis for the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis. It features numerous pyramids. Including the world’s oldest step pyramid. As well as a number of mastabas. Africa safari tours Egypt;

Luxor (Africa safari tours Egypt)

About 500 km south of Cairo, is home to the site of the ancient city of Thebes. It includes the ruins of the religious complexes of Karnak and Luxor, which stand in the modern city. Africa safari tours Egypt; Across the Nile are the monuments. Temples and tombs of the Theban necropolis. Which includes the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens.

Abu Simbel

About 850 km south of Cairo (near the Egyptian-Sudanese border). It is an archaeological site comprising two immense cave. Temples carved into the mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II (13th century BC). ANNOUNCEMENT). Africa safari tours Egypt; The entire complex was moved in the 1960s. To prevent it from being submerged during the creation of Lake Nasser. They are now located on an artificial hill made of a dome-shaped structure above the Aswan High Dam reservoir.


It is a major resort town, due to its beaches. Ancient history and museums, including the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. A modern project based on the revival of the ancient Library of Alexandria.

Sinai Peninsula

Sinai is home to the resort towns of Sharm el-Sheikh. Dahab, Nuweiba and Taba, as well as several places mentioned in the Bible. Such as Mount Sinai (also called “Jebel Moussa”). Saint Catherine’s Monastery is one of the oldest still active Christian monasteries in the world.

The town of Ain Soukhna, about 110 km east of Cairo, has many bathing facilities.

Assiut, in southern Egypt. It has historic buildings dating from the time of the pharaohs and ancient mosques. The city is, however, reserved for tourists due to the terrorist threat still present in the south of the country.

The resorts of Hurghada and El Gouna on the Red Sea coast are both renowned. For their beaches and water activities on offer.

Ancient Egypt

Africa safari tours Egypt; The ancient Egyptian civilization left behind many monuments. And temples that have become attractions for today’s visitors to Egypt. Among to them:

The Pyramids

There are more than 70 pyramids along the Nile. With the three pyramids of Giza being the best known. The sphinx, bodyguard of the lion, stands next to the pyramids of Giza. The pyramids were built over 4,000 years ago. During the time of the pharaohs Khufu, Chephren and Mykerinos. The bodies of these three kings are buried in their pyramids. Africa safari tours Egypt; The Cheops Pyramid is the tallest. At 145 meters high. And it is sometimes called the “Great Pyramid”.

The Saqqara Complex

The vast Saqqara necropolis, site of the ancient city of Memphis, is located 24 kilometers south of central Cairo. Memphis was founded around 3000 BC. BC by the pharaoh Menes, at the same time as eleven other pyramids. Africa safari tours Egypt; Memphis was then the administrative capital of ancient Egypt. Saqqara is home to the funerary complex of Zoser. The Tomb of Mereruka and the Serapeum. A complex of underground vaults which housed sacred bulls. Animals representing Apis, mummified, some in impressive granite coffins.

The Valley of the Kings in the ancient city of Thebes

Due to the plundering of the tombs inside the pyramids. 26 pharaohs from the 18th to the 20th dynasty. Including Tutankhamun, Ramesses the Great and Thutmose III. It had their tombs dug in the rock of the Valley of the Kings. Africa safari tours Egypt; Other tombs have also been discovered in the Valley of the Queens.

Nile cruises (Africa safari tours Egypt)

Cruises are offered along the Nile. Ranging from short excursions between Luxor and Aswan to longer cruises to the town of Dendera. Africa safari tours Egypt;

In the past, cruises took place from Cairo to Aswan. Lasting more than two weeks, but due to the development of activity on the Nile. These cruises stop departing from Cairo and now depart from Luxor.

Weather (Africa safari tours Egypt)

The peak tourist season in Egypt runs from mid-October to May, in winter and spring. Africa safari tours Egypt; From May to October temperatures are relatively high during the day. Aspecially in Luxor and the south of the country.

Egypt is one of the hottest and sunniest countries in the world. Except for a strip along the Mediterranean coast and some banks of the Nile. Egypt has a desert climate, being located entirely in the Sahara. Africa safari tours Egypt; The Mediterranean coastal strip experiences an average annual rainfall of 100 to 200 mm. In central and southern Egypt, several years can pass without significant rain.

Winters are generally warm in southern Egypt, but temperatures drop sharply at night, especially in the desert. In summer, southern Egypt is very hot and the air humidity is low. Africa safari tours Egypt;

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